Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oh my, you shouldn't have.....all these roses just for me?

Our provincial flower in Alberta is the Alberta Rose and it is in full bloom at the golf course and alongside most roads. Every once in a while if I stand still I get a wiff of the sweet sweet rose scent, it's floating throughout the whole course. Last year in the fall I picked the rosehip and dried a whole bunch to make tea and I loved it. This year I am hoping to make a batch of rose water, I guess I better hurry up, looks like the time is now.

The wild honeysuckle is out too

1 comment:

Contessa said...

I just love the smell of the Alberta Rose. It has a very unique sweet odor. There are a few bushes here in the park where we live and I often will stop to just smell the roses. NIce photos!