I watched a movie awhile back, I don't recall the name of it now, where a man had named his boat "Always Something". I think my home, my car, and my job should all be named "Always Something" in fact my whole life could be summed up with those 2 words, or at the very least I should have it printed on a T-shirt because;
There is always something that is falling apart or needing to be fixed in my home
There is always something making a funny expensive sounding noise in my car
There is always something keeping my bank account balance from being all that it should be
There is always something that keeps my hair from being as cute as it could be
There is always something that keep me from getting ahead of the dirty laundry
There is always something that seems to be more important that reading "War and Peace" (I really want to read that fat book)
There is always something that interrupts my morning devotions and quiet time
There is always something that keeps me from having lazy relaxing Sundays
There is always something in the fine print that keep me from cashing in on my air miles
There is always something that didn't get done at the end of the day
There is always something that seems to delay my trips
Always Something...............